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throughout the year artinya

contoh kalimat "throughout the year"
  • Sunny blue skies can be expected throughout the year.
    Cerahnya biru langit dapat diharapkan sepanjang tahun.
  • We were living amongst all nations throughout the years.
    Kami hidup di tengah semua bangsa sepanjang tahun.
  • The fate of Citron impacted the family throughout the years.
    Nasib Citron berdampak pd keluarganya sepanjang tahun.
  • I've thought of you often throughout the years.
    Aku juga sudah sering memikirkanmu selama bertahun-tahun.
  • It does not need much care throughout the year.
    Penguapan tidak banyak terjadi sepanjang tahun.
  • It can flower and fruit throughout the year.
    Putut berbunga dan berbuah di sepanjang tahun.
  • Hunting any animal by any means throughout the year.
    Hewan ini dianggap berkembang-biak setiap waktu sepanjang tahun.
  • He can seat, throughout the year, he can seat 8,000 people.
    Sepanjang tahun dia bisa melayani 8.000 orang.
  • You will admire it. Just behold the beauty throughout the year.
    Anda akan mengaguminya. Perhatikanlah keindahannya sepanjang tahun.
  • The records from Fredericks Manor throughout the years.
    Catatan dari Fredericks Manor selama bertahun-tahun.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5